Name before adoption: Jackson
Name after adoption: Tito
Adoption date: Feb 24th, 2018
Breed: Cardigan Welsh Corgi Mix


Dear KOCA Dog Rescue,
Life has been quite busy since little tito aka Jackson has come to my home! Between getting him used to my home as well as introducing him to the many pups and kitties I have in my life. All which he loves to play with! We go on morning walks as well as evening ones. We are slowly learning English language tricks, such as sit and come. A bit of a challenge but we will be attending obedience school where both of us will learn who’s the boss! Tito loves nothing more than to sleep and play with his “fox” toy that I purchased him. Wet food seems to be what he enjoys most and he is most motivated by food. Who isn’t?! He loves being told he’s a good boy and LOVES affection! He’s very very obedient when I leave for work and is always EXTREMELY excited to see me when I get home as he knows that means it’s time for our walks! When tito first came into my life he was afraid of people but slowly he’s really began to trust people! I am very excited for summer as tito will get to go on boat rides with his new life jacket I ordered him! It’s been quite the change in pace since tito has arrived but I’ve never been so happy to have give him a FUREVER home!
Thank you for all you do I wouldn’t have such a bundle of joy in my life if you guys wouldn’t do what you do!
sent on Mar 12th, 2018

*Before the adoption


*After the adoption


2nd updating story on July 11th, 2018

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